Summer's almost gone, fall & winter are coming
The summer season is wrapping up and we are preparing ourselves for our fall and winter services. If you are interested in any of the following services, feel free to call or text us at (417)259-3009 or email us at Here is what we have to offer this fall and winter.
Aerating and Overseeding
Aerating helps prevent the soil from compacting which in turn helps the soil to allow water and nutrients to get to the roots of your lawn. Stronger roots allow the lawn to grow thicker and more full. Overseeding in the fall will simply ensure that when your lawn comes back to life in the spring, it will do so more full and lush than the previous year. This service can be done separately or together. Optimal time for aerating and overseeding is between Labor Day and Mid October. Results from aerating and overseeding do take time as it takes time for the grass to grow in and fill up the surrounding area.
Fall leaf mulching/removal
When the leaves begin to fall and pile up, we are more than happy to come out and take care of those leaves for you. Our fall leaf service has 2 options: Mulch the leaves into the lawn, and remove the leaves by bagging them up. Regardless of which service you choose, we will always blow out the leaves from out of your landscape beds and from around your patios, porches and other areas of the home. This way your home and lawn will look clean and ready for winter.
Christmas lights
Christmas will be here before you know it, and hanging those Christmas lights can be quite the chore! We offer basic services of hanging lights along each of the edges of your roof, to give your home that simple yet elegant feeling of Christmas. We can start hanging lights in November and will take them down early January.
Landscape installations and Maintenance
Fall and winter are our best times to work on your landscape and hardscapes. With our mowing services wrapping up in the fall season we have more crews available to focus on your landscaping needs. Want a new flower bed? Need a retaining wall installed? Have your shrubs, trees and other landscaping plants need to be pruned and cleaned up? We can help you with your needs. No project is too big or too small for us to help you improve the look and feel of your home and property. Here are a few pictures of the work we have done in the past.

Call now to schedule
Our fall and winter services can fill up fast, so call or text us now to schedule an appointment for us to take a look at your potential project and get you a quote. Once again, our number is (417)259-3009, and our email is We look forward to hearing from you! Thank you!