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Weeds in The Lawn

My Lawn was sprayed about a month or so ago. Why am I seeing weeds around my lawn?

If you just had your lawn sprayed for weeds earlier this spring and are still seeing weeds pop up here and there, don’t raise the alarm bells quite yet! The reason may be simple. Let’s look at a few of the reasons why you still might be experiencing weeds in your lawn

Was pre-emergent used during that first application?

Pre-emergent prevents weed seeds from germinating and sprouting by creating a
barrier around the seeds. This barrier prevents the seeds from receiving nutrients and moisture that are needed for them to sprout and grow. However, pre-emergent does not have any effect once those weed seeds have already started to sprout. If any weed seeds had already sprouted before being sprayed,
then they will continue to grow and pop up.

The main question is, did you or your lawn care provider use pre-emergent on your lawn? If so, then it could be that some of those seeds had already begun to sprout before they even were sprayed.

Each weed can produce tens of thousands of seeds.

Weeds strive for one thing: survival. They do this by producing tens of thousands of seeds to be spread anywhere and everywhere possible. Maybe your lawn has been sprayed recently, but what about your neighbors lawn? Weeds can be a real nuisance, but even in this scenario there is hope through dedicated care.

Are you on a treatment plan? And if so, how frequent?

Lawn health and weed impact really do depend on multiple factors. The key to knowing how frequently you should be spraying and fertilizing your lawn is dependent on weather conditions and the area in which you live. Some locations only need 2 applications a year, but others need more. In Southwest Missouri where we are located, we have found that 4-5 applications is optimal. This is due to the high weed content and poor soil conditions that we have around these parts. If your lawn is perfectly healthy, established and weed free at the moment, you could potentially get away with 2-3 applications per year, but for the average lawn that is infested with weeds and has really poor soil conditions, you’ll truly need closer to 5 applications during that first year or two. This may sound like a lot for some, but those familiar with our area, it is what is needed to get the lawn under control. Which brings us to our last point.

Ultimately it just takes time.

Ultimately, it comes down to time. If you or your lawn care professional are keeping up with regular lawn applications of fertilizer and weed treatments, then as time passes, the treatments will eventually get more and more of the weeds under control. Lawn care and maintenance isn’t a “one and done” thing. It takes patience and dedication in order to see the results of spraying and fertilizing your lawn, but it will get there. Stay the course, and you will see your lawn come around. Occasionally there are curve balls that come your way whether insects or disease pop up, but all of those can be handled and dealt with as long as they are caught early enough. But that is a topic for another time. To wrap it all up, don’t fret with seeing some weeds after that initial service. It takes time to take a weed infested lawn and bring it over to being healthy, lush and weedfree. Hope this information helps! If you’d like to have an expert come and inspect your lawn, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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